
AbacusHKCPA - Company Formation and Company Registration by Hong Kong Accountants (HKCPA)

Abacus CPA
Charity Linking
Tel :
8201 0106
Fax :
3586 8020
Certified Public Accountants



Hong Kong Company - Private Limited Company


Company Registration Procedure

Company / Business / Share Transfer and Closing - Sell shares

  1. existing shareholder can source for interested person to buy his shares;
  2. can agree with buyer any price - can be different from face value of shares;
    • HK government charges stamp duty on the value of transfer
      - around HKD 1 per HKD 1,000 value;
    • below document is required:
      • if transfer at face value
        • give a letter to Stamp Duty Office to declare no business is started
          - so that share value is still same as face value;
      • if transfer at higher or lower than face value
        • give latest financial statement ( balance sheet ) - showing net asset value ( or value per share ) ;
          • if audited financial statement is available, please provide audit report;
          • if audit report is not available, please provide latest management report
  3. then, confirm to us what changes is required:
    • shareholder ?
    • director ?
    • bank account operator ? ( if bank account opened already )
  4. and please provide below information as well:
    • new shareholder information:
      • if a person
        • surname;
        • given name;
        • passport no.;
        • nationality;
        • residential address;
      • if a company
        • company name;
        • company registration no.;
        • registration address;
      • % of shareholding, or number of shares;
      • any preferred effective date;
      • whether shares are transferred at face value
        • if not, please give a copy of share transfer agreement, and financial statement reflecting the net asset value of the shares;
    • new director information
      • please confirm if any change in director is required;
    • bank account operation
      • please confirm if any change in bank account operator is required;
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AbacusHKCPA - Certified Public Accountants base in Hong Kong (HK) - ACCA, HKICPA, providing services of

company formation, financial management, business advisory, accounting and auditing.